Friday, November 2, 2007

Wudu or Bath for Prayer?

A common question teens ask is when to do wudu and when to have a full shower when secretions from the penis are noticed.

According to Fiqh Al Sunnah, by Syed Sabiq, published in Cairo on 15th of Shabaan 1365 Hijri. The following is summarized.

Four secretions from men.

1. Urine
Urine is filthy "Najs" with no doubt. Urine breaks one wudu and requires cleaning by using water or tissues. It is recommended to use water, however some scholars mention that using tissues and ensuring no dripping is acceptable. No shower is required after breaking one's wudu from urination. If urine touches one's clothing the affected area should we washed in water by submersion or deep cleaning.

2. Wadi
Wadi is a thick white fluid leaving the penis after urination or during bowel movements. It is also filthy "Najs" with no doubt among the scholars. Similar to urine it requires washing the penis and performing wudu to be able to pray.

3. Mathi
Mathi is a white viscous fluid leaving the penis after thinking of intercourse or during spousal play, usually a person does not notice its departure. It is also filthy with no doubt among the scholars. Similar to wadi it requires wudu to be able to perform prayers. If Mathi reaches the clothing, the clothes should be wiped or sprayed with water to clean the fabric, but no submersion or deep washing is needed like urine.

4. Mani
Mani is the ejaculation of sperm, a white viscous fluid. Most scholars agree that Mani is pure and not filthy, with the exception of a few scholars. Its secretion requires a full shower to be able to pray. If Mani touches the clothing it is recommended to wash it if it is still wet. If it turned dry it is acceptable to scratch it off the clothing. Wet dreams include Mani and hence require a full shower.

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